Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Ornithological update.

After extensive research Steve and I have come to the conclusion that our welcome visitor is a linnet, there may be more than one but they are heard more than seen.

Monday, 21 June 2010

The times they are a-changing.

We had a stand representing  the work of Jesus Centres at the Housing Justice Conference in Birmingham last week. There were a wide variety of organisations present with interesting talks and workshops. The 'Choir with No Name' added a musical touch to the proceedings.
What was a common undertone to the day (re-enforced by some of the e mails that were waiting for me when I got back) is the fact that we are in a time of rapid change. The determination to end rough sleeping by 2012 by central and local government raises many issues about compulsion and the role of voluntary sector organisations who tend to respond to need in a simple way. The new government is moving briskly to make inroads on the desperate financial situation that the country faces. Already in Westminster we are hearing of cuts in spending which may radically change the face of the voluntary sector. All of this, I believe, presents a terrific challenge and opportunity to faith based projects like the London Jesus Centre. Our motivation and provision is above all of the world's pressures and problems (although we may suffer like anyone else) we are able to say: " all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." (Romans 8:37)

Monday, 14 June 2010

A flag flying high.

There is a real sense of spiritual movement and life around, a week ago about 100 of us including delegates from the Multiply International Leader's Conference were parading down Oxford Street and adding to the general sense of bustle that persists at Oxford Circus with an impromptu praise session. This Sunday morning the London congregation got inspired about our need to proclaim the love of God in London, so we all danced, hopped and skipped our way down Oxford Street singing: 'Let the flag fly high from the castle you heart... for the King is in residence there!'.
"All very well" you may say "but how does this help anybody?" The answer being that we know that our battle is not just about people's material circumstances but  being clear about what spiritual influences are causing the addictions, violence and misery that trap so many. The Jesus Centre is where we engage at every level and seek to carry out the slogan that was on the original Jesus Army flag: 'We fight for YOU!'
It's probably time for us to get a flag attached to one of chimneys.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

To all nations from all nations.

Something that the visitor to London realizes is that people from all over the world come here. Yesterday we had around 70 visitors who came from many different countries. The London Jesus Centre was privileged to host a day with the delegates to the Multiply International Leaders Conference. There was a great mixture of fellowship, worship, sharing and teaching with an opportunity to learn more about the Centre; its work and vision. After lunch everyone went out into Oxford Street where there was prayer and worship. Many Street Papers were given away, people heard the gospel and joined the exuberant praise.
It was quite special to see pastors and leaders from Africa and India, countries that have seen much missionary work from the UK now bringing the word of life to London where so many know little or nothing of Jesus and salvation He alone can give.