Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Friday, 13 August 2010
Soup, soap and salvation.
Thinking about William Booth again (my early years as a Christian were spent in the Salvation Army) and the amazing growth of their early years when they combined red hot evangelism with practical care-no good preaching to people on empty stomachs-largely using new converts to reach more. The Jesus Army has many similarities and now faces the challenge of operating within a highly regulated and largely secular society.
I look at our centre here near Oxford Circus and rejoice in the fact that it is welcoming , well equipped and our visitors really appreciate having high quality facilities. We offer much to help people practically and to get them into a more stable and positive life style, which is good; but how we need to see our work as a life boat rescuing people out of this world's sea and leading them to the Saviour while there is time.
God forbid that we end up only helping the outer man which perishes and not seeing them in light of their eternal destiny.
I look at our centre here near Oxford Circus and rejoice in the fact that it is welcoming , well equipped and our visitors really appreciate having high quality facilities. We offer much to help people practically and to get them into a more stable and positive life style, which is good; but how we need to see our work as a life boat rescuing people out of this world's sea and leading them to the Saviour while there is time.
God forbid that we end up only helping the outer man which perishes and not seeing them in light of their eternal destiny.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Big society?
Living in central London means that there are all sorts of things going on that one would not be able to get to otherwise. Faithworks runs occasional meetings under the title of the 'Charities Parliament' and last week I attended a session which looked at the 'Churches' Response to the Big Society'.
'Big Society' is our new Prime Minister's big idea for restructuring how public services, government (national and local) and local communities interact. There is much that is interesting in the idea and it would certainly seem to present increased opportunities for the Voluntary Sector. There is, however, a concern that it may be a way of saving public spending and putting pressure onto charities.
The main speaker was the Archbishop of Canterbury who gave a thoughtful consideration of what might be involved and how churches and Christian organisations might respond.
While much was said about social justice and the caring side of the gospel, the whole question of the need for spiritual change and the eternal perspective did not receive a mention. I recently came across a quote from another Christian leader with striking beard and hairstyle (William Booth) who warned:
"I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost; Christianity without Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation without regeneration; politics without God; and heaven without Hell."
'Big Society' is our new Prime Minister's big idea for restructuring how public services, government (national and local) and local communities interact. There is much that is interesting in the idea and it would certainly seem to present increased opportunities for the Voluntary Sector. There is, however, a concern that it may be a way of saving public spending and putting pressure onto charities.
The main speaker was the Archbishop of Canterbury who gave a thoughtful consideration of what might be involved and how churches and Christian organisations might respond.
While much was said about social justice and the caring side of the gospel, the whole question of the need for spiritual change and the eternal perspective did not receive a mention. I recently came across a quote from another Christian leader with striking beard and hairstyle (William Booth) who warned:
"I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost; Christianity without Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation without regeneration; politics without God; and heaven without Hell."
Monday, 5 July 2010
Every morning the staff and volunteers get together for a time of prayer and sharing, as I was leading one of these times last week I was really excited to see how many people we had wanting to help. What was better still was the fact that several of them were people who had come to the Centre for help; had found Jesus and are now wanting to help others.
Sunday afternoon saw one of our Operation Sub-Committee meetings: looking at a summary of statistics made me realize that we are now getting twice as many visitors as we were a year ago. It is really encouraging to see more and more people benefiting from the Centre. It certainly seems to be true that 'word of mouth' seems to be the most effective form of advertising.
Sunday afternoon saw one of our Operation Sub-Committee meetings: looking at a summary of statistics made me realize that we are now getting twice as many visitors as we were a year ago. It is really encouraging to see more and more people benefiting from the Centre. It certainly seems to be true that 'word of mouth' seems to be the most effective form of advertising.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Ornithological update.
After extensive research Steve and I have come to the conclusion that our welcome visitor is a linnet, there may be more than one but they are heard more than seen.
Monday, 21 June 2010
The times they are a-changing.
We had a stand representing the work of Jesus Centres at the Housing Justice Conference in Birmingham last week. There were a wide variety of organisations present with interesting talks and workshops. The 'Choir with No Name' added a musical touch to the proceedings.
What was a common undertone to the day (re-enforced by some of the e mails that were waiting for me when I got back) is the fact that we are in a time of rapid change. The determination to end rough sleeping by 2012 by central and local government raises many issues about compulsion and the role of voluntary sector organisations who tend to respond to need in a simple way. The new government is moving briskly to make inroads on the desperate financial situation that the country faces. Already in Westminster we are hearing of cuts in spending which may radically change the face of the voluntary sector. All of this, I believe, presents a terrific challenge and opportunity to faith based projects like the London Jesus Centre. Our motivation and provision is above all of the world's pressures and problems (although we may suffer like anyone else) we are able to say: " all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." (Romans 8:37)
What was a common undertone to the day (re-enforced by some of the e mails that were waiting for me when I got back) is the fact that we are in a time of rapid change. The determination to end rough sleeping by 2012 by central and local government raises many issues about compulsion and the role of voluntary sector organisations who tend to respond to need in a simple way. The new government is moving briskly to make inroads on the desperate financial situation that the country faces. Already in Westminster we are hearing of cuts in spending which may radically change the face of the voluntary sector. All of this, I believe, presents a terrific challenge and opportunity to faith based projects like the London Jesus Centre. Our motivation and provision is above all of the world's pressures and problems (although we may suffer like anyone else) we are able to say: " all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." (Romans 8:37)
Monday, 14 June 2010
A flag flying high.
There is a real sense of spiritual movement and life around, a week ago about 100 of us including delegates from the Multiply International Leader's Conference were parading down Oxford Street and adding to the general sense of bustle that persists at Oxford Circus with an impromptu praise session. This Sunday morning the London congregation got inspired about our need to proclaim the love of God in London, so we all danced, hopped and skipped our way down Oxford Street singing: 'Let the flag fly high from the castle you heart... for the King is in residence there!'.
"All very well" you may say "but how does this help anybody?" The answer being that we know that our battle is not just about people's material circumstances but being clear about what spiritual influences are causing the addictions, violence and misery that trap so many. The Jesus Centre is where we engage at every level and seek to carry out the slogan that was on the original Jesus Army flag: 'We fight for YOU!'
It's probably time for us to get a flag attached to one of chimneys.
"All very well" you may say "but how does this help anybody?" The answer being that we know that our battle is not just about people's material circumstances but being clear about what spiritual influences are causing the addictions, violence and misery that trap so many. The Jesus Centre is where we engage at every level and seek to carry out the slogan that was on the original Jesus Army flag: 'We fight for YOU!'
It's probably time for us to get a flag attached to one of chimneys.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
To all nations from all nations.
Something that the visitor to London realizes is that people from all over the world come here. Yesterday we had around 70 visitors who came from many different countries. The London Jesus Centre was privileged to host a day with the delegates to the Multiply International Leaders Conference. There was a great mixture of fellowship, worship, sharing and teaching with an opportunity to learn more about the Centre; its work and vision. After lunch everyone went out into Oxford Street where there was prayer and worship. Many Street Papers were given away, people heard the gospel and joined the exuberant praise.
It was quite special to see pastors and leaders from Africa and India, countries that have seen much missionary work from the UK now bringing the word of life to London where so many know little or nothing of Jesus and salvation He alone can give.
It was quite special to see pastors and leaders from Africa and India, countries that have seen much missionary work from the UK now bringing the word of life to London where so many know little or nothing of Jesus and salvation He alone can give.
Friday, 21 May 2010
What a difference a bird makes.
Before moving to central London I never realized how much I appreciated birdsong. We often do not value things fully till they are gone. Normally all we hear are some very vociferous gulls who confuse tall buildings with cliffs and aren't too bothered about the seaside, and the ubiquitous pigeons. There is one pigeon who sits on a railing outside my window and coos in a very agreeable way; I am not joining in the current pigeon phobia that seems to be fashionable ('flying rats'). Just use the alternative name of Rock Doves and it casts a different light on things. I occasionally spend a bit of time on a secluded bench in nearby Regents Park and exchange a few words with the local wildlife: nearly tame squirrels, robins that sit on your shoulder if you keep still, superior looking rats and pigeons that are plump with elegant plumage. In the spring the males have amazing colours shimmering on their necks, changing from purple-pink to electric greens in the sunlight.
For the past week or so we have been visited by a little bird that I have not been able to see and we cannot identify but it sings! It sings all day and its song can be heard up and down the street. It has a short ascending song that lifts our hearts and breaks a bit of God's creation into this man made environment- the dark canyons of Mammon succumb to the song of a bird.
For the past week or so we have been visited by a little bird that I have not been able to see and we cannot identify but it sings! It sings all day and its song can be heard up and down the street. It has a short ascending song that lifts our hearts and breaks a bit of God's creation into this man made environment- the dark canyons of Mammon succumb to the song of a bird.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Is the blog a tyrant?
Having started this, and seeing it looks quite nice and seems to be a good way of communicating, I am realizing that one has to keep writing things in it otherwise people won't look at it. All of which is fine when there are newsworthy things happening, however, just now things are running pretty smoothly: all sorts of people come to the Centre and get helped in a variety of ways. The only remarkable thing is that we are here, keeping going and seeing God blessing us daily. It is all exciting and amazing but it doesn't make for good copy.
Well, keep visiting this site to see what happens next.
Well, keep visiting this site to see what happens next.
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Since my last post about growing faith for finance for the work here we have had two very high amounts of congregational giving at our Sunday meetings, substantial lettings income, a grant from a Catholic trust and a good donation from the John Lewis Partnership.
As Hudson Taylor, the great missionary to China, said;'God's work done in God's way will never lack God's provision.'
As Hudson Taylor, the great missionary to China, said;'God's work done in God's way will never lack God's provision.'
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Growing Faith.
When Tim and I were at a meeting for the voluntary sector some weeks ago we were asked to stand up if we were sure of our funding for one year's time. Out of a group of about 150 people there were three of us - I seem to remember the other guy represented some government outfit. A great strength of Jesus Centres is that we are not dependant on the whims of the Establishment but as we look to God for our supply we are free to put our efforts where we perceive need rather than what is the current media focus.
We have annual budgets and on paper we are forecasting a significant deficit for this year but I have faith that we will pay our way and in the future move into over-flow so that the work in other places can expand.
Will your add your faith to ours and agree that LJC will balance its books in 2010?
We have annual budgets and on paper we are forecasting a significant deficit for this year but I have faith that we will pay our way and in the future move into over-flow so that the work in other places can expand.
Will your add your faith to ours and agree that LJC will balance its books in 2010?
Friday, 30 April 2010
Growing vision.
Yesterday was the quarterly Trustees meeting where the progress of the Centres is reported. Hearing of the amount of people we are reaching in the three existing centres and all the good things that are happening is really encouraging. So, despite all the realities of finance and administration that have to be dealt with, the overall impression I came home with is of a dynamic part of God's Church which is demonstrating what faith in Christ can mean.
The commitment to opening new centres is great as Sheffield gets under way and plans are taking shape for Birmingham. Beyond that there is vision for more centres, maybe of a smaller type, wherever we can sustain them. It is an exciting thing to be involved with a movement that is able to get things done-maybe there's something you could be doing.
The commitment to opening new centres is great as Sheffield gets under way and plans are taking shape for Birmingham. Beyond that there is vision for more centres, maybe of a smaller type, wherever we can sustain them. It is an exciting thing to be involved with a movement that is able to get things done-maybe there's something you could be doing.
Friday, 23 April 2010
The LJC Management Committee meets today, part of the necessary structure of running a Charity. When we started planning and preparing for this Centre the whole business of committees, minutes, business plans and the rest of it was rather daunting and was not the way most of us were used to operating. However, over the four years that we have been involved we have learned that all these things can be tools that help to run an efficient and worthwhile project. Beyond the practicalities we have also found that such meetings become an opportunity to thank God for the progress that's been made and, even more importantly, times of unity and envisioning.
Lord continue to anoint every part of our activity, releasing Holy Spirit life into this place.
Lord continue to anoint every part of our activity, releasing Holy Spirit life into this place.
Monday, 19 April 2010
New week, new opportunities, new life.
Life has its rhythms and often we find the Monday morning bit is not the best but the Christian week starts on Sunday with worship and inspiration: something to set us off on the right track. Probably most of us never quite reach the aspirations of our best moments but, the realization that there is grace and forgiveness to enable us to put the past behind and keep pressing on to fulfil our calling in Christ, is liberating and makes it possible for us to say "I DO like Mondays."
Have a good week.
Have a good week.
Friday, 16 April 2010
One last Anastasis comment.
We have heard back from a visitor that she enjoyed the Anastasis exhibition more than one she had recently visited at the Royal College of Art.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Social Network Developments.
In line with generally getting in touch with contemporary realities the London Jesus Centre page on Facebook is now up and running. It also appears that posts from this blog will be relayed to Facebook as well, so we can all sit looking at our screens and save the trouble of going out, only problem is there won't be anything to talk about if you're not here; we're easy to find, centrally located, Curd makes great coffee and we can put up a post about you after you have visited.
Thursday, 8 April 2010
What people are saying about Anastasis.
'Joyful and inspirational.'
'Lovely! A delightful mix of ideas.'
'I am most impressed.' '
I think it should be a regular thing, it's so cool! I also like the way it's set out'
'Inspiring creativity,spiritually uplifting.'
'This is absolutely fantastic! I didn't expect to see so many different kinds of artwork here.
The exhibition continues; Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons and Friday evening from 8pm.
'Lovely! A delightful mix of ideas.'
'I am most impressed.' '
I think it should be a regular thing, it's so cool! I also like the way it's set out'
'Inspiring creativity,spiritually uplifting.'
'This is absolutely fantastic! I didn't expect to see so many different kinds of artwork here.
The exhibition continues; Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons and Friday evening from 8pm.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
![]() |
A corner of the exhibition featuring Steve's 'Lost and Found' in London installation. |
Lots of us have been away for the Fellowship's 'Alive' weekend where we were thrilled to see Constantine, who came to us as a drop-in visitor, getting baptised, and Jacques, who met us through our Immigration Advice service, being recognised as a Baptised Member.
Friday, 2 April 2010
Clots and comments.
It is good to hear from James- 'Anastasis' (as most of you will know) is the Greek for resurrection, the theme of the exhibition is broadly around the concept of resurrection. 'Anastasis' at the LJC has been a thirteen week creativity course which we hoped would lead to enough material being created to put on a show and all sorts of people have found themselves inspired to have a go. We are now putting the finishing touches to the exhibition and there is an amazing variety; installations, sculpture, mixed media and painting. It opens on Tuesday and we hope lots of people will come along.
When I lived in Somerset (many years ago) clotted cream seemed to play a significant part in the diet of the local people and there appeared to be a great many who survived to a ripe old age.
When I lived in Somerset (many years ago) clotted cream seemed to play a significant part in the diet of the local people and there appeared to be a great many who survived to a ripe old age.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
More than cream teas.
The Cream Tea on Saturday was a happy time with some singing, lots of conversation and clotted cream-something we could do again; well done Doris!
Beyond cream teas we are seeing the Healing group getting under way with one of the first people who was prayed for feeling improvement. Appointments are being made and people are coming to the Centre specifically seeking prayer.
There is a lot of art work on its way as we prepare for Anastasis next week.
Beyond cream teas we are seeing the Healing group getting under way with one of the first people who was prayed for feeling improvement. Appointments are being made and people are coming to the Centre specifically seeking prayer.
There is a lot of art work on its way as we prepare for Anastasis next week.
Friday, 26 March 2010
I have brightened this up a bit so it would be great to find how to get people to read the thing.
Tomorrow we are venturing into our first real organized contact with the 55+ age group by hosting a Cream Tea (real clotted cream, none of your aerosol reduced fat nonsense) we would really like to see the Centre being used by more local residents. At the same time we have a group from a Polish church having a women's event in the Tea Room.
The pace is hotting up in the creative department as we get ready to mount the Anastasis exhibition to open on the 6th of April.
Tomorrow we are venturing into our first real organized contact with the 55+ age group by hosting a Cream Tea (real clotted cream, none of your aerosol reduced fat nonsense) we would really like to see the Centre being used by more local residents. At the same time we have a group from a Polish church having a women's event in the Tea Room.
The pace is hotting up in the creative department as we get ready to mount the Anastasis exhibition to open on the 6th of April.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Time flies! Hard to think I set my Blog up in November and it's now nearly Easter. Nevertheless, I can not put off my engagement with the brave new world of e communication any longer. My purpose in this blog is to give a personal view of what's going on in and around the London Jesus Centre. We are running a Church and Community Centre in the heart of the West End just 5minute's walk from Oxford Circus and we have a growing number of people coming to the Centre since we opened in June 2008. As you follow this blog you will read of the challenges we face, the funny things that happen and the amazing turn round in people's lives as they experience love and acceptance as well as receiving practical help.
Exciting event coming up!
From the 6th to 10th of April we are holding an art exhibition called 'Anastasis'. This is taking place in the Grade 2 listed Chapel and will encompass a wide range of works around the theme of the Resurrection. Do come and have a look and enjoy some refreshment in 'Word' the Centre's trendy tea room.
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